Thursday, September 3, 2009


Today was one of those days where I wanted to pull my hair out several times today. She just did not want to eat today! Every bite was a struggle.. and i'm too tired to figure out calories! I don't think I want to know today either..

1/4 banana
2 ounce yogurt (stonybrooke farms yogurt with veggie but u can't taste the veggie!)

4 oz. butterscotch pudding (liked it!)
2 oz. yogurt

2 ounces pears. done.

all day she drank 5 ounces of milk/carnation instant breakfast drink.

9:00 pm tube feed
whole milk and veggie

So that's what she actually ATE today.. Here's a list of what Bela was offered today:
Chicken (two different ways), pasta, spaghettios, peas, peaches, peanut butter, chocolate, goldfish, homemade sweet potatoes mashed, and 2 different baby foods I tried out, with no luck.

I NEED to get her drinking more fluid, or I need to pump some into her during the day, but I know that if I do, she won't even eat as much food as she is eating now! ho hum... not a great eating day. Thank goodness for a new day..


1 Trader joe's yogurt (her favorite) 4 oz. 140 cal
1 T PB 95 cal
1/8 piece of toast 20 cal
butter 20 cal
275 calories!

1/2 c. pudding (from Sprouts--higher cal) 250 cal
1.2 banana 50 cal
300 calories!

gave 1/2 t. coconut oil thru tube 45 cal

1 ounce milk 17 cal

2 1/2 ounce Kefir yogurt 75 cal
1 apricot baby food 60 cal
1.2 c cereal (in yogurt) 100 cal
235 calories

9:00 pm 5 ounces of Boost with duocal 225 cal

Oral total:830
Daily Total: 1055


We were on vacation and then mommy got sick! Not the best combination for eating. Bela was tube fed a lot and threw up a lot.. :(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Bela woke up today and seemed hungier than normal! She actually pointed downstairs and made her sign for eat! Yeah!

For breakfast she had:
4 ounces kefir yogurt- 105 cal
duocal- 25 cal
1/4 mixed cereal- 60 cal
Total: 190 cal

drank water

2 ounces carrots- 30 cal with
1/2 T. butter- 50 cal
1t. honey- 20 cal
2 ounces banana and berries puree- 50 cal
1 t. peanut butter- 31 cal
(she like to lick this off a spoon herself)
Total: 181 cal

3 ounces yogurt- 110 cal
4 mini peanut butter cups- 10 cal
Total: 120 cal

She ate two bites of pizza, a little peanut butter, and was DONE.
6 ounce blended food:
homemade pizza (whole wheat dough, ham, and pinneapple)
2 ounces half and half
2 ounces strawberry protein smoothie (Trader joe's)
Total: 300 calories

10 p.m. TUBE FED:
6 ounces blended food (same as above)
Total: 300 calories

Daily oral total:
491 cal
Daily total:
1061 cal

We got our total calorie intake need for the day.


Day 1 went something like this..
Woke up at 9:30. Around 10 she wanted to take a bite of something.
Ate 1/2 stage 2 banana baby food (30 cal)
3 ounces of yogurt (90 cal)
2 ounces of whole milk (60 cal)
1 ounce oatmeal (mixed with baby food) (35 cal)
duocal (25 cal)
Total: 240 cal

2 ounce veggie baby food (22 cal)
2 counces cheese mashed pototoes with butter and whole milk (190 cal)
duocal (45 cal)
Total: 257 cal

1 st. 2 baby food-fruit 60 cal
3 ounce yogurt 90 cal
Total: 150 cal

6 ounces pediasure 180 cal

Daily oral total:
647 cal
Daily total:
827 cal

All in all, a very good start!! Not a huge fan of potatoes. It was a struggle to get those 2 ounces down. I need to find more things she likes to eat!